Wednesday, April 25, 2007


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Pharyngula  (Related)  (12 hours ago)
Time is running an online poll to discover "the most influential people of the year" — I'd urge you all to vote for Dawkins , except that when you browse the list you discover it's a collection of pop stars, models, sports figures, and the sparse sprinkling of a few politicians and random others. It's a collection that will depress you with its triviality and banality. Imagine that aliens ...
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ScienceBlogs  (Related)  (4 hours ago)
Even though I have read many fine pieces of research in your pages, you have to go. Like others in the science blogging community I am appalled at the heavyhanded tactics Wiley has decided to use against fellow ScienceBlogger Shelley at Retrospectacle . In an era where it is vital the knowledge be freely disseminated, where science is under attack from both politicians and religious fundamentalists, ...
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ScienceBlogs  (Related)  (10 hours ago)
A fellow ScienceBlogger has been threatened with legal action for reproduction of figures. Is this fair use or not? Honestly, I don't care too much, it seems that they just wanted the bad publicity/review to go away. So I say give them more! Here is the text of the email: Re: Antioxidants in Berries Increased by Ethanol by Shelly Bats The above article contains copyrighted material in ...
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ScienceBlogs  (Related)  (9 hours ago)
earlier this year I was a co-author on a paper which, among other things, attempted to "predict" which of the currently known planetary systems we might expect to find future planets in the habitable zones - specifically terrestrial or "super Earth" planets. Gliese 581 was on our list I like it. Read the comments on this post...
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Pharyngula  (Related)  (6 hours ago)
This is too absurd to be true. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
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Pharyngula  (Related)  (12 hours ago)
This is cool: Simon Conway Morris gave a talk at Baylor, and Cody was there . Conway Morris is a smart fellow who does some very interesting work, and now I learn that he's also a charming speaker — even though I completely disagree with his conclusions, I wish he'd come a little farther north so I could listen to him. I'd most like to hear him talk about Cambrian and pre-Cambrian paleontology, ...
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Pharyngula  (Related)  (13 hours ago)
I'm on my way to Boston for a day. A few people have written wondering if there'd be any free time to get together, and I'm afraid today is booked solid. The one possibility is tomorrow morning , my plane leaves at 11:20, and I'll probably just hang about in the coffeeshop nearest my hotel for a while, and if anyone wanted to join me, please do. I'm staying in the Charles Hotel on Harvard Square ...
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