Thursday, April 26, 2007


 Art From The Office: Creative Creativity

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 April 25, 2007
 Art From The Office

Art From The Workplace  (Related)   is an online gallery for art created while you are on the clock, bored at your job. Most of them are made using supplies that any office would have.  If nothing else, this art proves that boredom and limited time can be motivations for creativity. As they say, "May these images serve as a chant to the triumph of the human spirit against adversity!"

 If you, or someone you know, creates office art that deserves to be featured, email it to Let me know if you get featured.

 Another quote from the site:

 This blog is a celebration of the individual’s endeavor to make a right out of a wrong. An expression of respect and admiration towards those individuals who manage to “be there” while at the same time being completely absent; retreated into their own minds. Creating beauty. To all of you: thank you for showing the rest of us that there is hope.

Art From the Workplace  (Related) 


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