Wednesday, April 25, 2007


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Pacific Views  (Related)  (21 days ago)
I've been returning on and off to the story of the Bush administration's unwarranted closure of EPA libraries containing numerous unique references in the environmental studies arena. Bush's EPA chiefs even closed libraries that hadn't had their funding officially cut yet; boxing up the documents and firing longtime reference librarians, while selling off the shelving and office supplies at ...
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Treehugger  (Related)  (11 hours ago)
Fishing in Lake Taihu. Today's big China environment story is an exciting one. While announcing new transparency rules, our favorite Chinese environmental official called for greater citizen involvement to curb the country's powerful polluters. Reuters quotes Pan Yue, reformist vice minister of the State Environmental Protection Administration: "Relying on the force of environmental protection ...
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John Dvorak  (Related)  (5 hours ago)
Courant - April 25, 2007:
A federal judge has ruled that post offices across the country that are run by churches and other organizations cannot promote religion through displays or other promotional materials.
In a decision involving a church-run post office in downtown Manchester, the judge sided with a town resident who said his First Amendment rights
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To all the librarians that are Star Wars fans: The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film is 13th best selling book on Amazon. The book is a little expensive for the common Joe so people may be going to the library to look for it.
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Pacific Views  (Related)  (21 hours ago)
Oops. It turns out that calling Bush's neverending war against terrorism with it's first battleline in Iraq a "long war" has proven to be a problem . When the Bush administration has sought to explain its strategy for fighting terrorism, it has often said the United States is involved in a long war against Islamic extremists.

The phrase was coined by Gen. John P. Abizaid before he retired as ...
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Pacific Views  (Related)  (1 day ago)
Bill Moyers is coming back to PBS this week to report on how the media failed in the lead-up to the war. After all, very few reporters or media sources have ever admitted that they were wrong to let this war happen. And thousands of American soldiers and tens, no, make that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are still paying for the bad judgement of the press. Through interviews with a number ...
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Pacific Views  (Related)  (2 days ago)
An important fact to note about global warming is how this crisis challenges humanity in ways no other crisis has done before. It challenges us by forcing us to see how we individually and collectively are responsible for changing the very ecosystem of our planet. And it challenges us to do whatever we can to address the problem before it is too late. It's not enough to wait for someone else ...
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