Wednesday, April 25, 2007


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Technovia  (Related)  (3 days ago)
Paul Thurrott links to a PC World story about how hard it is to buy a “green” PC, which makes this claim: It’s easy enough to find paper towels, cosmetics, and cars that are
good for the environment, but if you’re looking to buy a green PC or
cell phone, the task gets much harder… Dell’s Plant a
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Engadget  (Related)  (4 hours ago)
Filed under: Household This one doesn't need a whole lot of explanation. The Chrono_Shredder, designed by Susanna Hertrich, hosts 365 days on a paper roll, with one "day" shredded every 24 hours. Can it ever be stopped? Find out on next week's episode of Heroes , in the future .   Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System ...
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Engadget  (Related)  (6 hours ago)
Filed under: Cellphones , Household , Wireless Trust the folks at NTT-Neomeit to find new and even cooler ways to use your cell phones -- and we're thinking this is off-the-scale cool -- it seems Neomeit is not happy with you simply watching TV, listening to music, or playing games with your cell, so they have busted out whole-home automation from your pocket. Using a web interface on your ...
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Paul Buchheit : The secret to making things easy: avoid hard problems
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Technovia  (Related)  (8 hours ago)
One of the things that you get used to from watching the Lindens is a pattern of “announce first, think deeply afterwards”. To be fair to them, it’s not just LL that indulges in this - it’s fairly endemic in the Web 2.0 world. Create first, build the business plan later.
The recent decision to work
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Technovia  (Related)  (1 day ago)
Jason Calacanis and Dave Winer are riffing on the same thing today: their refusal to do interviews with journalists except via email. The journalist involved is hitting back, describing Jason as a coward. I can understand both perspectives.
First of all, why do journalists prefer doing phone interviews? The answer is simple: phone interviews give you
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Technovia  (Related)  (1 day ago)
Clickable Culture - Linden Lab Considering Third-Party Developer Certification
In my opinion, this is a stupid, unnecessary plan which runs contrary to the company’s stated goal of opening up its entire virtual world system from server to client. Various company reps have suggested at one time or another that the logical pathway for Second Life is
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