Friday, July 20, 2007


 Tell Us Why Everything Turns Brown: Bad Spray Leaves Tulsan Classic Car Owners Ultramega Un-OK - Jalopnik
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Tell Us Why Everything Turns Brown  (Related) Bad Spray Leaves Tulsan Classic Car Owners Ultramega Un-OK  (Related) 

 An undetermined brown-red spray showered a cadre of classic cars at the 35th annual Pontiac Oakland Convention in Tulsa  (Related)  , Oklahoma  (Related)  . They've yet to determine the makeup or the source of the airborne spew, but it damaged most of the 369 vehicles involved in the show. And given that the judging process required at least one passenger window left open, the flying schmutz gunked up the cars' interiors as well. While a nearby construction site is suspected to be the culprit, we're wondering if the Tulsan Belvedere Time Capsule  (Related)   wasn't exacting its revenge on rival classics,  Double Dare -style. [Forbes  (Related)  ]

5:15 PM  (Related)   ON WED JUL 18 2007



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