Sunday, June 24, 2007


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       conservative -- with bite
  Thursday, June 21, 2007  Roseanne Barr has left the building out the left wing exit
 Posted by  Joel Johannesen

 Liberal  Roseanne Barr’s  talk radio show is off the air after a whole month of liberal-speak. 

Roseanne Barr off the air at Inland radio station  (Related) 

Some of her guests included far (far!) leftist Noam Chomsky, leftist Gore Vidal who thought that the Bush administration allowed the 9/11 attacks to happen, the liberal and militant atheist Christopher Hitchens, and liberal Democrat Congressman Maxine Waters, whose quotes include: 

-- (Referring to the electorate and President Bush): “But we’re at a time when very smart people have been allowing this dumb-ass President of the United States to do as he pleases.”

-- (On the Bush administration): “The president is a liar. Dick Cheney, the chief architect of the Big Lie, is not only a liar, he is a thief.”

Meanwhile, conservative Rush Limbaugh  (Related)   is a radio talk show phenomenon and dominates political talk radio, as is conservative and great American Sean Hannity  (Related)  , conservative and brilliant Laura Ingraham  (Related)  , and conservative Dennis Prager  (Related)   and many others.  The very liberal “Air America” recently filed for bankruptcy. 

Conservative talk radio hasn’t hit Canada yet because broadcasters and radio station owners in Canada haven’t got a clue what Canadians want to hear, and so they assume it’s “liberalspeak”—just like the TV stations here, which I rightly call “liberalvision”.  And so that’s almost entirely what’s available in Canada.  (Catch Lowell Green’s show  (Related)   for a breath of sanity).

And now, the liberals—err, “progressives”—in the U.S. seek to apply U.S. government restrictions  (Related)   on the extremely successful conservative talk radio, because, it ain’t liberal and so it ain’t fair.  Liberals put out a lousy, inept product, and moreover can’t compete in the marketplace of ideas, so they seek the big teat of the state and its legislators to prop themselves up by tearing down conservatives. 

Must be Thursday. 

 Posted by  Joel Johannesen  on 06/21/07 at 12:59 PM


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