Wednesday, June 6, 2007


 Digg - Open Sourcing the ECDL/ICDL
Open Sourcing the ECDL/ICDL  (Related) 

 The European Computer Drivers License or International Computer Drivers License is a complete skill set that describe a good set of computer skills for end users. There is one big problem. Most of the materials are based on M$. That is about to change.

 Submitted: 3 hours 15 min ago  Submitter:JanStedehouder  (Related)    

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 I'm in the process of writing the whole ECDL courseware for a national charity that can't afford to license the material from third parties. And while I fully appreciate a need to extol the virtues of Open Source Software, the sad truth is that until commercial enterprises recognise F/OSS then educational establishments will continue to push Microsoft products into their training material. And that's fine, because educating someone in something that's 100% relevant is what ECDL is all about.

Still, that doesn't mean creative license won't allow me a little leeway.

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