Thursday, May 3, 2007


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Daily Kos  (Related)  (6 hours ago)
Atrios has an excellent question that McCain probably won't get in tonight's debate. Senator, 3 months ago you said in response to a question about how long you were going to give it to work Iraq: MCCAIN: I think in the case of the Iraqi government cooperating and doing what’s necessary, we can know fairly well in a few months. 3 months later, do we yet know anything fairly well? What ...
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The Huffington Post  (Related)  (9 hours ago)
If I could pose one question to the Republican presidential candidates showing up for tonight's debate, it would be this: Do you believe there is such a thing as an "acceptable level" of violence? I would ask this question because just the other day in an interview with Charlie Rose, the leader of the Republican Party -- President George W. Bush -- made the case that there is such ...
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Daily Kos  (Related)  (10 hours ago)
Add Nebraska to the list of states who want us out of this war. Among those Nebraskans surveyed, 51 percent favor a timetable for withdrawing from Iraq, while only 37 percent believe we need to give the President’s troop surge plan a chance to work. We believe those margins will continue to widen as the President’s policy plays out in the next several months. That probably has something ...
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Think Progress  (Related)  (7 hours ago)
“Two planes are circling the sky above the GOP presidential candidates’ debate tonight, dragging anti-war banners.” Funded and organized by Americans Against Escalation in Iraq, the small aircraft have banners reading “Mission Accomplished.”
UPDATE: Hotline has a photo.
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Daily Kos  (Related)  (5 hours ago)
Welcome to the Large Primate House at the Simi Valley Zoological Gardens.  No pointing at, or making eye contact with, the candidates.  No flash photography.  No feeding the candidates. Use this as an open thread to discuss the preening, posing, grooming, and feces flinging. UPDATE 1 :  In the running contest for Stupidest Statement of the Night , Howard Fineman takes an early ...
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Daily Kos  (Related)  (5 hours ago)
I can't do this much longer. BROWNBACK:  We're not any more corrupt than Dems, 'cause someone had cash in their freezer once.  And I believe in the family. TANCREDO:  Reagan is proof that a fringe rightist can become President.  I am that fringe rightist. McCAIN:  Increasingly reminiscent of your aged grandfather.  The one that you didn't like, with bad breath ...
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Daily Kos  (Related)  (6 hours ago)
Senators Byrd and Clinton plan to introduce legislation that would " end the authority for the war in Iraq " on October 11, 2007, the five year anniversary of the Iraq AUMF. Says Byrd : "The 2002 authorization to use force has run its course.  It is time, past time, to decommission this authorization and retire it to the archives.  If the President has more that he wants to do in Iraq, ...
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