Thursday, May 3, 2007


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Talking Points Memo  (Related)  (6 hours ago)
CNN botches another one.
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The Huffington Post  (Related)  (5 hours ago)
Is it Nelson Mandela on ... Oprah Winfrey? Or William Kristol on ... why the next president will have to listen to guys like William Kristol about Iraq? We note also for the record that Kinsley also is in the magazine, but on a totally non-political topic, and so Time 's columnist count this week is, once again, right-wing Bush-loving Iraq hawks 1, the view represented by approximately 70 percent ...
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Think Progress  (Related)  (5 hours ago)
“Long after we’re all dead and gone, when historians who are not yet born begin to write about this era, they’re going to place George Bush in the upper echelon of presidents who had a great vision for America, who looked beyond our shores, who didn’t just restrict himself to domestic policy niceties.”
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Daily Kos  (Related)  (5 hours ago)
Welcome to the Large Primate House at the Simi Valley Zoological Gardens.  No pointing at, or making eye contact with, the candidates.  No flash photography.  No feeding the candidates. Use this as an open thread to discuss the preening, posing, grooming, and feces flinging. UPDATE 1 :  In the running contest for Stupidest Statement of the Night , Howard Fineman takes an early ...
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Talking Points Memo  (Related)  (7 hours ago)
Apparently the GOP candidates debating in Los Angeles tonight will have company. An antiwar group is planning to fly two circling planes tonight in the skies above the debate, complete with banners mocking Bush's "Mission Accomplished" moment.
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Talking Points Memo  (Related)  (8 hours ago)
As you know, the Justice Department is now investigating whether former DOJ employee Monica Goodling broke the law by screening DOJ job applicants for party affiliation. Let's not forget that two weeks ago TPMmuckraker's Paul Kiel ran an article on Bradley Schlozman in which a former DOJ employee said on the record that Schlozman had asked him a potential job applicants party affiliation before... ...
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Talking Points Memo  (Related)  (9 hours ago)
Alberto Gonzales and others at the Justice Department keep claiming that the department has pursued public corruption investigations regardless of the subject's political affiliation. Now we'll see if that's borne out by the numbers.
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