Thursday, May 3, 2007


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Scripting News  (Related)  (5 hours ago)
Remember this name: Ron Paul. Renegade Republican candidate for President. I'm much less familiar with the Republicans. The only one I like listening to is Ron Paul. McCain is trying to sound like a president. Mitt Romney plays a dad on TV . If Giuliani doesn't win he could take over the Hanibal Lecter character. BTW, think of Twitter as "Live-blogging for the rest of us." McCain: "I'll ...
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Power Line  (Related)  (10 hours ago)
Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post's blog "The Fix" previews tonight's debate among the Republican presidential candidates. Cillizza provides his view of the stakes for each candidate and what they need to accomplish. The stakes seem highest for Mitt Romney. The images of Giuliani and McCain are already well-formed, though they undoubtedly can use some polishing with the Republican base. ...
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Daily Kos  (Related)  (6 hours ago)
It can't go on, it goes on. MITT:  Loves America, Reagan.  Hates answering questions. TANCREDO: Relatively deft handling of bizarre question about organ donation. RON PAUL:  I'm surprised he wears a suit.  You figure that he'd be in a bear skin -- better prepared for return to the state of nature. ROE v. WADE:  Rudy punts, all others want it repealed.  Tancredo ...
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Hit and Run  (Related)  (19 hours ago)
The first Republican presidential debate starts at 8 p.m. ET, and I'll be following it on this thread. Some predictions before it kicks off: - The frontrunners will praise President Bush. Romney and McCain especially will praise Bush's veto of the Iraq supplemental. Remember, Republican primary voters still love Bush and love the war, and for them the veto's the best thing he's ...
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Scripting News  (Related)  (5 hours ago)
Yahoo: MacArthur Maze Detour Update . Sometimes it takes a five days to generate exactly the one piece of information that 5 million people need.
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Scripting News  (Related)  (8 hours ago)
4/25/07: Bill Moyers, Buying the War . 4/27/07: Bill Moyers, Jon Stewart, Josh Marshall . His blog , RSS feed . Subscribed. Previous installment: America at a Crossroads . Don't forget to give generously to PBS.
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Scripting News  (Related)  (9 hours ago)
ICMPA study on RSS , reaches incorrect conclusions, imho, about the quality of news you get from the feeds of the NY Times, al Jazeera and the Guardian, among others. I like getting short summaries of the news from feeds , and if I want more information, I can click through to the full stories. I know others disagree, but this is a matter of taste that they present as a matter of fact.
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