Wednesday, May 9, 2007


 A Day In The Life: First Day At The Gym & The Nutrionist

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 Wednesday, May 9, 2007
First Day At The Gym & The Nutrionist  (Related) 

  My first day at the gym was great! I met my fitness coach-a complimentary service they offer. We went over my health right now, my goals, and things I'm looking for. After all was said and done, she has recommended two classes, Group Power and Group Centergy. Both meet two days a week. So four days out of the week, I'll have at least an hour of structured exercise. Group power is a weight training class that uses free weights and allows you to go at your own pace. Group Centergy is a mix of Pilates, Yoga, and Tai Chi that helps with muscle toning and core. Next week she will do the first class of both with me to help me get acquainted with the equipment, the instructor, and things of that nature. Then I can continue with them if I like them. These two classes will help greatly along with the cardio to help build muscle tone and kick start my metabolism and aid in the great weight loss battle. I only was able to do 20 minutes on the treadmill today because I ended up having to work this morning. I may go back this afternoon. I'm very excited though to really have some motivation in the whole process.

 My appointment with the nutritionist went well. She was impressed with my ability to stay on track-for the most part. I explained how tough it is to keep up with things when we are on the road so much. She gave me some ideas on different foods to pack with me that will keep me in my goal calorie consumption. That was very helpful. We also set a few goals for me this next week. I am supposed to aim for working out 7 days a week knowing that I'll probably only hit 4-5 days. My food goal is to cut out Starbucks. It's adding unnecessary calories into my diet that i don't need. I've already gone the last week without one so we are just adding onto that. Hopefully I'll get to a point where I don't fiend for it and can have something once a month or so as a treat or reward.

 I've only lost about a pound in the last two weeks but I haven't gained any either so that is fabulous. I spent 6 of the last 14 days on the road so pretty much I only had exercise for 9 days out of the two weeks. I'm hoping that with the new tips on eating while working and my new gym membership, I'll be able to lose at a more a consistent weight. It is still hard to keep it in my head that I'll lose it slowly but healthy because I'd really like to be skinny.

 I was up at 5:30 for my workout and I feel great. Not too tired. A bit hungry but that's because I had such an early breakfast and it's almost lunchtime. I'm really looking forward to the classes next week. At the gym, we can use any of the courts, rooms, and equipment as long as they are not booked for a class so I may drag Daniel down with me to shoot some hoops tonight or play some racquetball just for fun. I'm really going to try and go at this with a very analytical mind because that way I'll keep more focused on the end results and goal.


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